Ideas for Learning

Fun things you can do with your child:

  1. Go to the library – stay for story time
  2. Research something that excites them or you
  3. Bake something, anything
  4. Construct something with blocks or Lego’s
  5. Read a book together
  6. Draw/Colour together
  7. Go window shopping discuss what you see
  8. Host a play date with a friend
  9. Dress Up together - play a game
  10. Build something in the snow, sand (fort, snowman)
  11. Go swimming (indoor or outdoor)
  12. Have a picnic (outside or on the living room floor!)
  13. Listen to new music together
  14. Visit a museum
  15. Visit a Zoo
  16. Visit a pet store
  17. Write and mail a letter to someone special
  18. Play a card or board game
  19. Take a walk
  20. Get out baby photos and talk about them
  21. Sing Songs
  22. Go roller or ice skating together
  23. Tell stories about when your child was a baby
  24. Hug/hold your child
  25. Build a blanket fort - Take photos and share
  26. Tell your child what makes them special ( to you and others)
  27. Teach/tell your child about your job – take them to work for a day if you can
  28. Have a scavenger hunt (indoor or outdoor)
  29. Go to a movie together
  30. Visit a nursing home or hospital
  31. Finger Paint
  32. Take pictures
  33. Visit and learn about places in your neighbourhood (fire station, police station, post office, dairy, etc.)
  34. Clean out a room together 
  35. Work a puzzle together
  36. Plan a holiday together 
  37. Make S’mores
  38. Build a bird house
  39. Play a sport together
  40. Make homemade pizza
  41. Rake leaves and play/jump in them
  42. Visit an apple orchard / pumpkin patch
  43. Plant something and talk about what will happen
  44. Have a water fight
  45. Play hide and seek
  46. Go to a fair
  47. Collect different leaves
  48. Have a party
  49. Take a hike
  50. Make puppets and put on a show for each other
  51. Tell stories about your childhood
  52. Attend athletic event
  53. Make homemade ice cream
  54. Learn about different cultures
  55. Take flowers to a friend
  56. Go wading in a creek, visit a wetlands
  57. Go for a train ride
  58. Go horseback riding
  59. Climb a tree
  60. Go camping
  61. Have a family talent show
  62. Draw a map and have a treasure hunt
  63. Walk/play in the rain
  64. Talk about feelings/emotions
  65. Paint a picture by numbers together
  66. Go to a theatre performance
  67. Complete a DIY project together
  68. Wash the car
  69. Play Frisbee
  70. Pick up litter in the community
  71. Fly a homemade kite
  72. Jump rope
  73. Exercise together
  74. Discuss nutrition and basic food groups
  75. Start a savings account – talk about budgeting and saving money
  76. Write a story (draw illustrations together too!)
  77. Go fishing
  78. Visit a relative
  79. Visit the neighbours
  80. Go bowling
  81. Dance party!
  82. Play Simon Says
  83. Have letter or colour of the week and look for them together
  84. Play “I Spy”
  85. Act out a favourite story together
  86. Listen to music and play homemade instruments together
  87. Start a gratitude journal with your child – they can draw what they are thankful for
  88. Let your child pick out the menu for a meal
  89. Start a collection
  90. Practice/teach something (reading, tying shoes, zipping zipper, sports, rhyming, sorting, telling time)
  91. Sidewalk chalk
  92. Go for a bike ride
  93. Play pretend
  94. Make a collage out of photos and/or clippings of their favorite things
  95. Tell jokes
  96. Spend time simply LISTENING to them.
  97. Make a list of things you want to do together in the future! 
  98. Read to each other
  99. Listen to a story on u-tube
  100. Make muffins together

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